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Accessing Heavens Help

Writer's picture: Sheryl McGlochlinSheryl McGlochlin

One of my passions in life is collecting things that bring happiness to me each day. Things that are inspiring, that bring me hope, confidence, motivation, and encouragement each day.

It all begins with a thought.

We have all been given 168 hours every week to decide what we want to think about.

To help me think the kind of thoughts I want to think about, I try to document what I love. Here is a collection so far. This list is a work in progress.

When I have a free moment I immediately go to my collection.

It feeds my soul.

I am always actively looking for anything that is uplifting or edifying.

For me it is usually in the form of nature, people, temples, photos, food, places, objects, paintings, magazines, books, movies, etc.

I work hard to avoid drama or contention. Instead I look for people, places and things that bring me peace, contentment, comfort, calm, rest, and hope to my soul.

2020 was an incredible year for learning, soul-stretching and personal growth. It helped me remember things I already knew but may have partially forgotten, like how God knows more than any human being on this planet. How I want to hear what HE thinks first and act on inspiration that I receive from HIM. I get to know Him much better by reading, studying and actually applying HIS principles. I have ample opportunities to test them out and see for myself how true they are. It has been one of the greatest blessings of 2020. I have felt His love and know He is real and keenly aware of my needs and circumstances and is ready to bless me IMMEDIATELY as I exercise faith in Him! I know He wants to do that with each person if they want His help. He is waiting for us to ask Him and to actually WANT His Divine help.

What is on your mind?

What are your questions?

Pick anything from my list and also bring whatever is troubling you.

Start to see your own problems in a whole new light.

Pay attention to impressions and new thoughts you receive.

Write them down so you don't forget them.

Be courageous enough to act on those impressions.

More inspiration will come to you as God sees you act on the inspiration and impressions He gives to you.

During an interesting year like 2020, we receive countless opportunities to practice valuable character traits that can be developed and strengthened the best in adversity and hardship. Things like virtue, patience, forgiveness, flexibility, purity, adaptability, love, honesty, kindness, generosity, faith, trust, tenacity, etc. It'll stretch us in ways we have never been stretched before.

Using my talents and passions to help lift another person is one big way I stay happy. Whatever someone needs is generally something I need as well. I find great satisfaction in brightening and lightening someone's day.

I hope I can bring more light and peace into your life as well.

Life was never meant to be lived in fear, doubt, despair, darkness, or hopelessness.

No one has a goal to be a lost soul. Living in faith should be something we embrace. Faith in God, believing and trusting that He loves us, His children, and will gently navigate us through this life and back home to Him if we will invite Him in.

It's much easier than you may expect. I've been on this path for a long time and He hasn't ever let me fall. I give Him 5 stars, 2 enthusiastic thumbs up, a standing ovation but mostly I drop to my knees and humbly thank him in a simple heartfelt prayer for His constant help in my life.

How I describe 2020 in one word: UNFOLD.

How I describe 2021 in one phrase: Let God Prevail (AKA let God take over the steering wheel and get ready to go places you never imagined yourself going to!!)

Everything will unfold slowly before our eyes if we have eyes to see and hears to hear!

The secret is to "stay the course" and "be patient" in God's timing and know that answers will come.

Discovering beauty and miracles all around me whether in nature or in people, is something I look forward to every day.

My thoughts are focused on what I am grateful for. I try to express gratitude to God for everything. That simple act often inspires me to be more grateful for others and for my Savior, Jesus Christ.

A Parable:

In your kitchen is a plate of delicious, freshly-baked brownies.
You walk past them several times a day, breaking off a piece each time.
You continue to nibble on and enjoy them throughout the day.
Brownies represent uplifting thoughts, words, photos and music that are a feast to your soul all day long!

James Allen - As A Man Thinketh

James Allen was born in Leicester, England, in 1864. After the unexpected death of his father, he left school at age fifteen in order to help support his family. For the next twenty-three years, Allen worked, read, and observed the world around him. At age thirty-eight, he wrote From Poverty to Power, one of his first motivational books. His next book, As a Man Thinketh, established his reputation as an inspirational writer. Although his writing career lasted only ten years, until his death in 1912, Allen produced twenty titles, which continue to motivate and inspire people over 100 years later!

Favorite Movies

Favorite TV Shows

Andy Griffith Show - I really love this show because of the timeless content. Whoever wrote this show wrote material that is relatable for many years into the future.

Favorite Music:

Tabernacle Choir

It is well with my soul- Tabernacle Choir

Let us all press on



Aberdeen Lane

Mat & Savanah Shaw

Claire & David Crosby

Steven Sharp Nelson

Jon Schmidt

Nashville Tribute Band music

A Great Work - Female version

My favorite friends on YouTube:

S Michael Wilcox

John Bytheway

Brad Wilcox


Tyler Griffin

Taylor Halverson

Our Turtle House - Fireside w/ Hilary Weeks, Tyler Griffin, Stephen Jones


Peace in Christ - the song 🎵

I Will Go and Do, David Archuleta

Matt Townsend, relationship counselor - service projects

Meet the Mormon Videos (Mormon is a nickname of our church. Actual name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)

Book of Mormon Central - Come Follow Me

Unshaken - Come Follow Me

Teaching with Power - Ben Wilcox - audio - Podcasts - Come Follow Me

Church of Jesus Christ - official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


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